Traveling Sisterhood
Monday, April 9, 2012
Destination X
Have you ever just got in a car and drove? No real destination in mind. You just know three things.
1) You want to sleep in until your body actually wakes up (without an alarm).
2) You want an uninterruptedly listen to Bruno Mars and Adele cd.
3) No stress.
So with all that in mind, my sister and I took off down south. We didn't make it far the first night. Call it exhaustion. Call it too much excitement or whatever you want. We made it 30 miles. We ended up in Sixeston, Mo. Which by the way has about 10 people out in about at 10pm. We didn't care though. We went to the local applebees and had a few margaritas before hitting the sack earlyish. About midnight.
The next morning, we stopped at the famous Lamberts restaurant and filled up on out soul food. Eat until you want to puke. Literally, ate way too much especially with my little pouch of a stomach. With a salad bigger than my head, it was still the healthiest option. Especially, with some black eyed peas, fried okra, and rolls thrown at your head. I'm not kidding. =)
Next, we headed through Cairo, IL. Ok anyone that's been to Cairo, knows that you have alot of guts just going through this little run town. I seen more in the five or ten minutes that I literally did not want to hit any stop lights. We will just keep it at that.
There was this sawmill we passed on the way to Paris Winery in Paris, TN. Anyone who has ever smelled a saw mill knows that when I say your stomach will turn for hours after just one sniff at that stench. I think it took me about five miles or so to realize it was the saw mill and not something left dead on the side of the row.
We decided since the Mega Millions was the big thing that week to get a Mega Millions ticket in each state. I did know that I would have to go back to whatever state we won in if we won. Although, if I won that much money. I'm not going to complain about a little gas money to the next state over. In Kentucky, we just couldn't find a gas station to sell us a ticket. Odd. On the way to Paris, TN my sidekick, aka Big Sister Amy, decided she needed to pee. Driving through miles and miles of nothing and no where to pull over, she was just about beside herself by the time we came to Paris. I pulled in at the General Dollar Store to drop her off as near as possible to the door. And what happened? This crazy redneck manager came out and started hoopin' and a hollerin' about my car being parked in the handicap. I wasn't even parked per se. It's called dropping Amy off before she wet their sidewalk. Amy had to come back out and tell me to hurry up and move because the manager was pretty much holding the bathroom ransom until otherwise. The crazy thing about this is the whole time there was two girls younger than us parked in the handicap spot. The difference? We had Illinois plates. The manager followed my sister out still running her mouth how it's illegal and we shouldn't of parked there. Needless to say as we were pulling out of the parking lot here came the sheriff. Basically, I got to the other side of town like a bat outta hell. This little episode wasn't about to break our rule #3 in just the first day. Luckily, We came to Paris Winery. This place was a little bit of Italy meets a little bit of country. Gorgeous. I could of died and gone to heaven. They have a different type of wine in the "deep south" made with Muscadine grapes. They also have wine bottles that look like Eiffel Towers. I wasn't so crazy about the sweet red wine that came in them, but everything else was fantastic. I think we left with 7 bottles of wine. Two of which the hubbys don't know about so Shhhush!
Next stop Nashville! Will post more later!
1) You want to sleep in until your body actually wakes up (without an alarm).
2) You want an uninterruptedly listen to Bruno Mars and Adele cd.
3) No stress.
So with all that in mind, my sister and I took off down south. We didn't make it far the first night. Call it exhaustion. Call it too much excitement or whatever you want. We made it 30 miles. We ended up in Sixeston, Mo. Which by the way has about 10 people out in about at 10pm. We didn't care though. We went to the local applebees and had a few margaritas before hitting the sack earlyish. About midnight.
The next morning, we stopped at the famous Lamberts restaurant and filled up on out soul food. Eat until you want to puke. Literally, ate way too much especially with my little pouch of a stomach. With a salad bigger than my head, it was still the healthiest option. Especially, with some black eyed peas, fried okra, and rolls thrown at your head. I'm not kidding. =)
Next, we headed through Cairo, IL. Ok anyone that's been to Cairo, knows that you have alot of guts just going through this little run town. I seen more in the five or ten minutes that I literally did not want to hit any stop lights. We will just keep it at that.
There was this sawmill we passed on the way to Paris Winery in Paris, TN. Anyone who has ever smelled a saw mill knows that when I say your stomach will turn for hours after just one sniff at that stench. I think it took me about five miles or so to realize it was the saw mill and not something left dead on the side of the row.
We decided since the Mega Millions was the big thing that week to get a Mega Millions ticket in each state. I did know that I would have to go back to whatever state we won in if we won. Although, if I won that much money. I'm not going to complain about a little gas money to the next state over. In Kentucky, we just couldn't find a gas station to sell us a ticket. Odd. On the way to Paris, TN my sidekick, aka Big Sister Amy, decided she needed to pee. Driving through miles and miles of nothing and no where to pull over, she was just about beside herself by the time we came to Paris. I pulled in at the General Dollar Store to drop her off as near as possible to the door. And what happened? This crazy redneck manager came out and started hoopin' and a hollerin' about my car being parked in the handicap. I wasn't even parked per se. It's called dropping Amy off before she wet their sidewalk. Amy had to come back out and tell me to hurry up and move because the manager was pretty much holding the bathroom ransom until otherwise. The crazy thing about this is the whole time there was two girls younger than us parked in the handicap spot. The difference? We had Illinois plates. The manager followed my sister out still running her mouth how it's illegal and we shouldn't of parked there. Needless to say as we were pulling out of the parking lot here came the sheriff. Basically, I got to the other side of town like a bat outta hell. This little episode wasn't about to break our rule #3 in just the first day. Luckily, We came to Paris Winery. This place was a little bit of Italy meets a little bit of country. Gorgeous. I could of died and gone to heaven. They have a different type of wine in the "deep south" made with Muscadine grapes. They also have wine bottles that look like Eiffel Towers. I wasn't so crazy about the sweet red wine that came in them, but everything else was fantastic. I think we left with 7 bottles of wine. Two of which the hubbys don't know about so Shhhush!
Next stop Nashville! Will post more later!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Weight loss
I had gastric bypass. Yes, I did. Some call it the "easy way out." For those, I want to choke you out. Just kidding. You are just misinformed. There are several different weight loss surgeries to help you lose weight. The problem is it doesn't fix the underlying problem. Most people with weight issues use food as a comfort. Just like alcoholics use alcohol. There are actually quite a few people that have weight loss surgery that have what is called a "cross-transfer addiction." We no longer can soothe our emotions with food so we do with shopping, drinking, something else to fill the food mold. I still struggle with this.I love food. I didn't get to 238lbs without having some food passion. I would love to be a chef one day. I need some serious cooking classes, but food is a passion of mine. Having a pint sized stomach does not help this. After weight loss surgery with exercise 6 days a week I went from 238lbs to 117lbs within a year. Then I started drinking wine and eating sweets here and there. Not for comfort, but to fit in. I have my inner demons that I fight everyday for losing things that I loved most in my life. The only thing that makes me feel real is to drink. Is it because I can finally be myself and people except me for who I am? This conversation will be continued.
A life well traveled.
Have you ever just contemplated on where you are in life is not where you are suppose to be? You look back at all the crossroads that you have been to. What if you would of turned right, instead of turning left? What if you would of took a few more minutes to enjoy a moment. Would that change everything in your life? I've went through so many trials and tribulations in my life. Lost a child, lost a marriage. Lost 121 pounds. Lost myself in the process. And now what? Where do I turn? What should I do? How do I find the person I really am? This all starts with me.
My sister and I have always been close and never been able to be just sisters as adults. So we are taking time the weekend of my thirtieth birthday to take 4 days and just go. Destination X. Coming to a town near you and find ourselves.The people we are inside. I know in four days we won't learn it all. But we will learn new things to help us along the way.
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