Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weight loss

I had gastric bypass. Yes, I did. Some call it the "easy way out." For those, I want to choke you out. Just kidding. You are just misinformed. There are several different weight loss surgeries to help you lose weight. The problem is it doesn't fix the underlying problem. Most people with weight issues use food as a comfort. Just like alcoholics use alcohol. There are actually quite a few people that have weight loss surgery that have what is called a "cross-transfer addiction." We no longer can soothe our emotions with food so we do with shopping, drinking, something else to fill the food mold. I still struggle with this.I love food. I didn't get to 238lbs without having some food passion. I would love to be a chef one day. I need some serious cooking classes, but food is a passion of mine. Having a pint sized stomach does not help this. After weight loss surgery with exercise 6 days a week I went from 238lbs to 117lbs within a year. Then I started drinking wine and eating sweets here and there. Not for comfort, but to fit in. I have my inner demons that I fight everyday for losing things that I loved most in my life. The only thing that makes me feel real is to drink. Is it because I can finally be myself and people except me for who I am? This conversation will be continued.

A life well traveled.

Have you ever just contemplated on where you are in life is not where you are suppose to be? You look back at all the crossroads that you have been to. What if you would of turned right, instead of turning left? What if you would of took a few more minutes to enjoy a moment. Would that change everything in your life? I've went through so many trials and tribulations in my life. Lost a child, lost a marriage. Lost 121 pounds. Lost myself in the process.  And now what? Where do I turn? What should I do? How do I find the person I really am? This all starts with me.

My sister and I have always been close and never been able to be just sisters as adults. So we are taking time the weekend of my thirtieth birthday to take 4 days and just go. Destination X. Coming to a town near you and find ourselves.The people we are inside. I know in four days we won't learn it all. But we will learn new things to help us along the way.